Three Brothers in Riga


"The Three Brothers"
When these three building were built centuries ago, I'm sure the builders never dreamed that today they would still be preserved and famous. 

These are the oldest residences in Riga. They were actually built in different centuries, but now are a tourist attraction all standing together. All walking tours of Riga pass these three buildings, now known as "Three Brothers." 

Portal seat

The oldest building is on the right, built in 1490. It was built for manufacturing and trade. The entire first floor is one large room where work, trade, and everyday life took place. The upstairs was originally built for storage area. The outside facade is from the Gothic area with crow-stepped gables. It has looked the same for over five hundred years. A portal seat was built by the front door for visitors or passers-by to rest. 

Date of 1646 is visible

The middle building was built in 1646 as you can see plainly in red numbers. The architecture is quite different with rounded edges in the Dutch Mannerism style. The large second story windows indicate that this floor holds the main large meeting hall in the house. Above the entrance, the words "Soli deo gloria" (Glory to God alone) are inscribed into a portal. 
Inscription above the door

Newest one

The green building is the smallest and newest, built in late 17th century. It is the narrowest of the three with a small apartment built on each floor. The building is very different from the other two homes. 

Aerial view of the Three Brothers

These building today are interconnected and house the Latvian Museum of Architecture. Of course, with the pandemic regulations, we haven't been inside to see it because of the restrictions. As you can see, these three buildings have been preserved from being torn down during the updating projects that have occurred over the centuries. It's great that someone had the foresight to hang onto this heritage. 

Information taken from Latvia travel-three brothers

Photos taken from Commons


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