Czech Out
Our apartment is a mess once again. We've emptied out our personal possessions that need to go with us. We've managed to jam everything into our seven suitcases. By the time you read this, we'll already be in our new city - St. Petersburg, Russia. My husband will be teaching at the Ingrian Lutheran Seminary in a town close to St. Petersburg. He is excited about getting back into the classroom where he'll be teaching young men who are studying to be pastors in their church. Last May, when we left the States to come to Prague, we had no idea what living in Europe would be like. After our year here, I'm not as anxious about living in St. Petersburg. It will take a couple weeks to get used to the transportation system since they have a metro, tram, and bus system like Prague does. After we find and get set up in a flat, we'll learn where the grocery store, bank, meat store, etc in our neighborhood. Life probably won't be too much different than European li